
i am swimming in grey.

i dove in somewhere between midnight and dawn on a stormy, coast evening.  it coats me.  the grey.  i am covered in the space that lies just to the left of socially acceptable and mostly to the right of my heart bursting.

this.grey. she…i. am.  there is.  overwhelm.  envelopment.  breath.

this.grey. it is strange behavior and elation.  it is a smile that creeps in and stays for long periods of time.  it is overzealous senses quick to take in every scent, sight, texture, subtle sound, near emotion.

this grey is second expanding.  this grey is an entire hand’s breadth.  grasp my center, pull the sky through my core down to my roots, wash it in the full spectrum of color.

this grey does not avert eyes.

this grey spills forth with honest words spoken gently.  earnestly.  listening as she cascades around me, casting a swirl of–

this unexpected pool where i do the breaststroke in long, certain strides and float and exist with conscious presence.

grey.  the threshold between the worlds.  the sacred place where stars are born and die.  the muted congregation of all color and the absence of.  a concert where the music crescendos in silence.

this grey. i am wrapped in this grey and all the clarity and ambiguity it spreads before me.  i am watching the universe unfurl in this grey.

Published in: on 12/05/2010 at 10:19 pm  Leave a Comment  
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